I know it has been a while since I last posted BUT – it was for a good reason. The wonderful organization that I work for has been pushing great events out to the community and I’m thrilled to announce one that I am so honored to host! As you read this next line please take it as my personal invitation to join us on October 19, 2018 at 10 a.m. at the Liberty Room – 1885 Joe S. Jeffords Hwy, Orangeburg, SC to celebrate our 3rd annual Liquid Gold Celebration. This event is free to the public and is perfect for all audiences (i.e., health professionals, clinical, breastfeeding moms, granddads, uncles, EVERYONE!) On this day we will take the time to honor everyone that supports breastfeeding, understands the benefits of breast milk, those that tried to breastfeed and weren’t successful, and those that are still breastfeeding and milk banks. We will also award certificates of recognition to those persons that made a diligent effort to breastfeed, currently breastfeeding, have made a pledge to breastfeed in the future. Lunch will be provided so come hungry and ready to celebrate the amazing gift of Liquid Gold!